



告訴小米是「叔叔阿姨結婚的歌」,而you are the new day就是當天的第一首歌。


它是首acapella, 當年唱的時候就很喜歡,

現在在You Tube上也可以找到King's singers 的版本,也很好聽。


You Are The New Day

I will love you more than me
and more than yesterday
If you can but prove to me
you are the new day

Send the sun in time for dawn
Let the birds all hail the morning
Love of life will urge me say
you are the new day

When I lay me down at night
knowing we must pay
Thoughts occur that this night might
stay yesterday

Thoughts that we as humans small
could slow worlds and end it all
lie around me where they fall
before the new day

One more day when time is running out
for everyone
Like a breath I knew would come I reach for
the new day

Hope is my philosophy
Just needs days in which to be
Love of life means hope for me
borne on a new day

You are the new day


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